SARMs vs Steroids: Which is Better ?

Etalaze Official Blog
3 min readJun 8, 2024


SARMs vs steroids

SARMs target the same receptor in your body as anabolic steroids, but they work in a more specific way. Anabolic steroids can affect all parts of the body, while SARMs target specific places — such as muscles or bones.

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) and anabolic steroids are both used to enhance muscle growth and athletic performance, but they have different mechanisms of action, safety profiles, and legal statuses. Here’s a comparison to help determine which might be better for your specific needs:

Mechanism of Action


  • Selective Action: SARMs selectively bind to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissues, aiming to promote muscle growth and bone density without significantly affecting other organs.
  • Tissue-Specific: Their selective nature is intended to minimize side effects compared to steroids.


  • Broad Action: Anabolic steroids bind to androgen receptors throughout the body, promoting muscle growth but also affecting other tissues and organs, leading to more widespread effects.
  • Higher Potency: Steroids are generally more potent than SARMs in promoting muscle growth and performance enhancement.



  • Moderate Gains: SARMs can lead to significant muscle gains, but generally not as dramatic as those achieved with steroids.
  • Research Stage: Many SARMs are still in the research phase and their long-term effectiveness and safety are not fully understood.


  • Significant Gains: Steroids are highly effective in increasing muscle mass and strength, making them popular in bodybuilding and competitive sports.
  • Established Use: The effects of steroids are well-documented, with decades of use in both clinical and athletic contexts.

Side Effects


  • Milder Side Effects: SARMs are designed to have fewer and less severe side effects than steroids, though they can still cause issues such as testosterone suppression, liver toxicity, and potential long-term unknown risks.
  • Individual Variability: Side effects can vary based on the specific SARM, dosage, and individual response.


  • Significant Side Effects: Steroids can cause a range of serious side effects, including liver damage, cardiovascular issues, hormonal imbalances, mood swings, and increased risk of certain cancers.
  • Hormonal Impact: Steroids can significantly disrupt natural hormone production, leading to conditions like gynecomastia (breast tissue growth in men), testicular atrophy, and infertility.

Legal Status


  • Research Chemicals: Many SARMs are not approved for human use and are often sold as “research chemicals.” Their legal status varies by country.
  • Athletic Bans: SARMs are banned by most sports organizations and using them can result in disqualification from competitions.


  • Controlled Substances: In many countries, anabolic steroids are controlled substances and their use without a prescription is illegal.
  • Athletic Bans: Steroids are also banned by sports organizations and their use can lead to severe penalties, including lifetime bans from competition.

Cost and Accessibility


  • Variable Costs: The cost of SARMs can vary widely depending on the source and the specific compound.
  • Easier Access: SARMs are often more easily available online, though this can be risky due to potential quality and safety issues.


  • Prescription Requirement: Legal acquisition of steroids typically requires a prescription, which can be more difficult and expensive to obtain.
  • Black Market Risks: Many users turn to the black market, which poses significant risks regarding product quality and legal consequences.


Which Is Better?

  • For Muscle Gain and Performance: Steroids are more potent and effective for significant muscle gains and performance enhancement but come with greater risks and legal issues.
  • For Safety and Fewer Side Effects: SARMs might be a better option due to their selective action and generally milder side effects, though they are not without risks and their long-term safety is still uncertain.
  • For Legal and Ethical Use: The use of both SARMs and steroids comes with legal and ethical considerations, especially in competitive sports.


  • Consult Healthcare Professionals: Before considering either SARMs or steroids, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to understand the risks, benefits, and legal implications.
  • Consider Alternatives: Explore natural ways to enhance muscle growth and performance, such as optimized nutrition, strength training, and legal supplements.



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